Visual Perception and Academic Achievement. Pilot Study of the M. Frostig Program Applied on Visual Development to 1 and 2 Preschool


  • Santiago Estaún UAB
  • Jesús Valero


The goal of this preliminary study is to evaluate the short term effects of Frostig Program (1st level) in both the 1st and 2nd grade of preschool children. Two groups of subjects, experimental and control, were given the Frostig and Bender tests. At the end of the Program we found a significant difference between the two groups, in both grades, in the Frostig test only. Then, the experimental situation was reversed in the 2nd grade, but we did not find any significant difference between the experimental and control group with regard to the first situation, following these results some changes in the design are sugge

Author Biographies

Santiago Estaún, UAB

Departarnent de Psicologia General. Laboratori de Psicologia. Facultat de Lletres. Univer-
sitat Autonoma de Barcelona.

Jesús Valero

Departarnent de Psicologia General. Laboratori de Psicologia. Facultat de Lletres. Univer-
sitat Autonoma de Barcelona.




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