Lactation and Orality in the General Population
The preliminary study begins with the surveys answered by 101 students of Psychology in the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona during the academic course of 1978. These surveys are part of Questionaires of Psychosocial Investigation (CIPS), a sub-system of the collection of information on the HPAB (Barcelona's Computable Psychiatric History), which is now available in the Data Bank HPAB of the 'Vidal i Barraquer' Foundation.
A series of questions were investigated in the Data Bank, which, in the opinion of the researches, could bear a relation to the lactation and orality habits of those who took part in the survey. The aim of the work, besides being a contribution of empirical data and their correlations, is also offer as thanks to those who collaborated in the research the resultant self-knowledge they can adquire as a collective group. In this paper, as well as quick review of some of the data provided by this subsample of CIPS from the data Bank of psycho(pato)-logical and psycho-social investigation HPAB, the authors make a series of reflections on the necessity and limitations of the statistical methods in these fields.