Exacerbated. Academic Identities and the Transformation of Chilean Higher Education
The diversification of funding sources, the installation of the accountability culture and measures to maximize the effectiveness of different academic processes are expressions of higher education in transformation, which requires the strategic reorganization of its academic workforce. University management has materialized these changes in new ways of conceiving, measuring and encouraging academic work. University management has materialized these changes in new ways of conceiving, measuring and encouraging academic work. Based on the analysis of 40 interviews with academics, the present paper reports the findings in 3 categories, namely: identity narratives of the critical academic, identity narratives of the solitary academic and identity narratives of the prestigious academic.
Instruments for Management of Scientific Activity , Higher Education, Academic identity, University managementReferences
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Copyright (c) 2021 Carla Fardella, Javiera García-Meneses, Alejandra Corvalán Navia, Alvaro Soto Roy
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.