Voice and Silence behaviors in a multidimensional perspective: characterizing the phenomena between Brazilians’s workers



In this study we aim to describe and explore voice and silence (V&S) behaviors in a multidimensional perspective and empirical. Using a descriptive, quantitative and cross-sectional method it was possible, in a pioneering way in the international field, to describe V&S behaviors in a sample of 476 workers in different organizations. The Voice and Silence Scales in Organizations allowed us to identify these behaviors, as well as their relationships with demographic and occupational factors critical to their understanding. The results reinforced the multidimensionality and simultaneity of V&S, pointing out the tendency of workers to cluster in patterns (clusters) and indicating significant differences in the mode of expression or retention of information or suggestions related to work due to demographic and occupational characteristics. We make considerations about the descriptive character, and recommend research with more complex designs from the advance of the field.


Knowledge Management, Interpersonal relationship, Voice in Organizations


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Author Biographies

Rayana Santedicola Andrade, Universidade Federal da Bahia

Psicóloga desde 1999, Mestre desde 2008 e Doutora em Psicologia Social das Organizações pelo PPGPSI-UFBA desde 2018. Professora Adjunta e Coordenadora do Colegiado de Psicologia na UFBA, Campos Anísio Teixeira. Desde 2003 na docência e pesquisa sobre comprometimento no trabalho, bem-estar do trabalhador, liderança e voz e silêncio nas organizações.

Antônio Virgílio Bittencourt Bastos, Universidade Federal da Bahia

Professor titular de Psicologia Social das Organizações, no Instituto de Psicologia da UFBA. Pesquisador I-A do CNPq, atuando em temas da área de comportamento organizacional, a exemplo de: comprometimento no trabalho, mudanças organizacionais, significado do trabalhar, cognições organizacionais, mapas cognitivos e redes sociais em contextos organizacionais.




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