Foreword by Hubert Hermans



When a society becomes more complex and heterogeneous, the identity of teachers "is also chal-lenged to become more complex and heterogeneous. The school, as a reflection of society, needs flexible educators, capable of adapting to change. From the perspective of Dialogical Self Theory, this flexibility translates into the need to adopt a multiplicity of positions of the self as involved in permanent dialogue. These I-positions have the quality of being individual, but also social and their coalition with the I-positions of others can generate shared positions or We-positions. This is an indis-pensable condition to achieve the successful development of innovative educational projects. Among the different functions that I-positions can adopt, two are crucial. The activation of meta-positions that allow reflection on the other, more specific, positions and promoter-positions that provide a de-velopmental impetus and direction to the other positions. The text ends by underlining the relevance of this dialogical perspective to the contemporary world.


Social Change, Educational Models, multiplicity of I-positions, Dialogical Self Theory


Bohm, David (1996). On Dialogue. New York: Routledge

Hermans, Hubert J. M. (2018). Society in the Self. A theory of identity in democra-cy. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Hermans, Hubert J. M., & Hermans-Konopka, Agnieszka (2010). Dialogical Self Theory: Positioning and counter-positioning in a globalizing society. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.

Author Biography

Hubert Hermans, Catholic University of Nijmegen

Catedrático de Psicología de la Educación en la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.

IP del grupo de investigación reconocido SINTE




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