Teacher’s emotional labor demands: a study in a federal educational institution
The objective of this study was to characterize teachers' emotional labor by identifying and map-ping the emotional demands in the context of professional and technological teaching. Data col-lection was carried out in two stages: documentary research and focus group technique with the participation of six managers and six teachers. We adopted inductive analysis for the documentary corpus, with the support of the Atlas.ti software, and a deductive system of codification and open categorization for the analysis of the corpus of the focus groups. Eight emotional demands were grouped in three macro categories: interactional, technical-pedagogical, and intrapersonal. In-teractive affective events strongly mobilize teachers, especially when it comes to inappropriate student behavior. It is concluded that the emotional demands of the teacher-student interaction require greater preparation of the teachers to sustain their performance and to maintain their well-being.Keywords
Emotions, Teacher, Emotional Labor, Emotional DemandsReferences
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