Evolution of HR competences in organizations immersed in the fourth industrial revolution
Managing Human Resources in today’s organizations is a strategic challenge. It requires to align the new business culture with the empowerment of behaviours and performances needed in the learning process of individuals and organizations. This qualitative research analyses the competences that are required of the personnel of HR Department, at pre-sent. The investigation has been carried out in two different moments of time through two techniques, a Talent Panel: formed by HR directors, technicians and (junior and sen-ior) consultants of Catalonia in years 2009-2010 and 2015-2017, as well as eleven semi-structured interviews carried out in 2017 to different personnel from HR departments. The main result is a credible, transparent and motivational communication, teamwork with multifunctional groups and a transformative leadership that knows how to value what is done, as main transversal or core skills that HR professionals must possess in cur-rent organizations.Keywords
Observatory of Human Resources for Health, Work Engagement, HR capabilities, Tal-ent AttractionReferences
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