Young people, consumption and sexuality: dialogues between Maria Rita Kehl and Pier Paolo Pasolini


  • Sabrina Dal Ongaro Savegnago Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro


In this paper, we’ll present a discussion about the relationship between consumption and youth subjectivity, based on the theoretical reflections of Maria Rita Kehl and Pier Paolo Pasolini. These authors speak from different realities and moments, however it is possible to observe several similarities in their thinking, especially in the attempt to denaturalize certain knowledge, and question the ways in which society produces and reproduces itself, problematizing important issues related to young people. Among them, it is necessary to emphasize the obligatoriness imposed to the subject by the consumer society that would be disguised of freedom, especially in questions that involve the sexuality. This argument will be analyzed throughout this paper, based on the theoretical contributions of Kehl and Pasolini.


Young, Subjectivity, Consumption, Sexuality

Author Biography

Sabrina Dal Ongaro Savegnago, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro

Psicóloga, mestre em Psicologia pela Universidade Federal de Santa Maria e doutoranda do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Psicologia da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro.




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