Psychology and decoloniality: decolonial turn to study identity in Mayan schools and communities



At present, originary identity, means to take life as a decolonializing process. Where the decoloniality means unlearning what is imposed. In this paper, we reflect on the vicissitudes across at educational psychologists go through working with Mayan young people in schools and communities. This is a part of an investigation about youth Mayan youth identity. The methodological twist that we offer requires and points to a re-reflection. What we propose are necessary for the emergence processes of a decolonializing and decolonize reason, making in the historical reality we work, to contribute to the construction of educational interculturalization processes, always within a framework of respect for the original culture.


Identity, Mayan Youth, Psychology, Decoloniality

Author Biography

María De Lourdes Pinto Loria, Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán

Profesora titular "A" de la Facultad de Psicología de la Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán. Doctorante en Psicología. Líneas de investigación psicología del adolescente, psicología crítica y prevención de riesgos psicosociales. Perfil PRODEP.




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