Title: Art, Feminism and Technology. Thinking about creative forms and forms of domestication


  • Remedios Zafra Universidad de Sevilla


In this article about art, technology and feminism, I assert the role of writings and modes of doing in relation to discourses, as well as the coherence of that position in every feminist critical practice against logocentrism. The text, based on a revision and modification of part of the chapter «Teclear» of my essay (h)adas. Mujeres que crean, programan, prosumen, teclean (2013), is based on a critical and proposing analysis of some of the most usual feminist modes of doing of feminist art practice, and argues the interest of that creative practice in technology and networks, emphasizing the power of the choices not only of media, but of the creative forms against implicit tendencies —although almost always invisible— toward domestication; the power of the resistance exercises, infiltration, subversion and critical appropriation against the repetition of worlds.


Art, Feminism, Technology, Modes of Doing

Author Biography

Remedios Zafra, Universidad de Sevilla

Escritora y directora de X0y1 plataforma para la investigación y la práctica artística sobre identidad y cultura de redes y autora, entre otros, de los libros (h)adas. Mujeres que crean, programan, prosumen, teclean, Un cuarto propio conectado, Historia de una mujer sin nombre, Lo mejor (no) es que te vayas y Netianas. N(h)acer mujer en Internet (www.remedioszafra.net).




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