Becoming a researcher. Dialogical-self based methods to the identity formation of postgraduate students



Based on the dialogical-self theory the study aims to determine how a course based on identity de-velopment might contribute to changes in the I-positions of the participants. The study explores what changes did occur and also determine which devices contributed the most to the I-position’s devel-opment of the students as researchers. The investigation was held within the course of the research line in an Official Master in Educational Psychology at a Spanish University. The findings suggest that there have been significant changes in the student’s I-positions, specifically strengthening those re-lated to research. The methods that have contributed the most were the role-playing, the after class reports, and the peer interview. Therefore, these findings contribute not only to a better under-standing of the process of changing and developing I-positions as a way to become a researcher, but also to provide valuable educational methods to improve junior researchers’ formation.

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Researchers, Higher Education, Identity Formation, Dialogical Self


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Biografia de l'autor/a

Crista Weise, Dep. Psicología Básica, Evolutiva y de la Educación. UAB, Barcelona, España

Profesora e investigadora del Departamento de Psicología Básica, Evolutiva y de la Educación. UAB, Barcelona, España. Ejerzo docencia en la Facultad de Educación y soy miembro del  grupo de investigación SINTE-Identités. Mis focos de investigación con las relaciones entre educación, cultura e identidad particularmente en  Educación Superior y Educación primaria.




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