Student teachers’ positioning with regard to their key learning experiences in the first practicum


  • Mireya Giralt Romeu Ramon Llull University
  • Eva Liesa Hernández Ramon Llull University
  • Paula Mayoral Serrat Ramon Llull University
  • Lorena Becerril Balín Universitat Oberta de Catalunya


This exploratory study consists of a description of which kind of key learning experiences student teachers’ have to face during their first practicum in schools and how they positioned their selves in these situations. Twenty-seven second-year student teachers were interviewed. Five key learning experiences were identified: classroom instruction, socialization, conflicting between pre-existing conceptions and the reality, classroom management, and diversity. Two kinds of positions were adopted by them when they faced these experiences: I as a student and I as a teacher. They posi-tioned as students when they focused their attention on observing educational practices and fully and unreservedly accepting their mentors’ strategies and they positioned as teachers when they acted and made decisions with autonomy and applied the theoretical knowledge acquired. The difficulties students face in positioning themselves as teachers were found to relate to all the key learning ex-periences except for those connected to do with classroom instruction.

Paraules clau

Teacher training, Identity, Key learning experiences, I-position


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Biografies de l'autor/a

Mireya Giralt Romeu, Ramon Llull University

I work as an assistant and researcher at Ramon Llull University (Spain). From 2016 to today I have been working as a Psychopedagogical Advisor of the Counselling and Psychological Innovation Service (SAIP) of the Ramon Llull University, Faculty of Psychology, Educational Sciences and Sports (Blanquerna, URL). At the moment I am preparing my doctoral dissertation. My major research interest is teacher professional identity development and the teacher as a researcher.

Eva Liesa Hernández, Ramon Llull University

Professor of Psychology Education at Ramon Llull University. Coordinator of the Centre in Educational Innovation in the Faculty of Psychology, Educational Sciences, and Sports, Blanquerna. My research topics are about learning and professional development in educational contexts.

Paula Mayoral Serrat, Ramon Llull University

Research scientist & professor in the Department of Psychology and Educational Sciences at Ramon Llull University (Barcelona, Spain). From 2015 to today, coordinator of the Education Practicum in Teacher Degrees at FPCEE Blanquerna and from 2011 to today I have been working as a Psychopedagogical Advisor of the Counselling and Psychological Innovation Service (SAIP) of the Ramon Llull University, Faculty of Psychology, Educational Sciences and Sports, Blanquerna as an associate professor. My research topics are learning and teaching processes, competence-based learning, teacher identity and teacher as a researcher.

Lorena Becerril Balín, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya

Research scientist & professor in the Department of Psychology and Educational Sciences in Open University of Catalonia (Barcelona, Spain). From 2011 to today I have been working as a Psychopedagogical Advisor of the Counselling and Psychological Innovation Service (SAIP) of the Ramon Llull University, Faculty of Psychology, Educational Sciences and Sports, Blanquerna as an associate professor. My research topics are learning and teaching processes, competence-based learning, teacher identity and teacher as a researcher.




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