Polarização Política e Relações Intergrupais: um estudo das Representações Sociais no Brasil



This research aimed to study left-wing and right-wing groups’ political polarization and their Social Representations (SR) of each other, as well as to investigate the experience of political violence and the belief in a just world (BJW). An online survey was conducted. The left-wing groups used the terms equality, empathy, and justice to describe themselves, while the right-wing groups used freedom, conservatism, and justice. Both groups used negative terms to describe their opponents; left-wingers described right-wingers as selfish, ignorant, and intolerant and right-wingers described left-wingers as corrupt, intolerant, and extremist. Regarding violence, 72% stated that they knew someone who had suffered political violence in the last two years, especially through social media. As for the means on the BJW scale, left-wingers had a lower mean than right-wingers. There are significant differences in SRs and positions between the groups, which may be at the core of violence.


Social Psychology, Violence, Social representation, Political polarization


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Biografia do Autor

Andréia Isabel Giacomozzi, Federal University of Santa Catarina

Ph.D. Professor at the Postgraduate Program of Psychology (PPGP) and at the Department of Psychology of the Federal University of Santa Catarina, member of the Laboratory of Social Psychology of Communication and Cognition (LACCOS), Brazil.

Amanda Christine Albuquerque Tavares, Federal University of Santa Catarina

Psychologist by Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil.

Anderson da Silveira, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

Master in Psychology by the Postgraduate Program of Psychology (PPGP) and member of the Laboratory of Social Psychology of Communication and Cognition (LACCOS), Brazil.

Ana Maria Justo, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

Ph.D. Professor at the Postgraduate Program of Psychology (PPGP) and at the Department of Psychology of the Federal University of Santa Catarina,  member of the Laboratory of Social Psychology of Communication and Cognition (LACCOS), Brazil.




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