Institutional sheltering through the child’s perspective
The current multiple case study was performed in the context of institutional sheltering, it aimed at identifying the perception children have about the sheltering process. Four children that were sheltered in a state shelter located in the north region of Brazil participated in this study. For the data collection were used: questionnaires for social demographic characterization, semi structured interview, drawings, and field diary. The main results indicated: 1) the children are aware of where they are and the reason for sheltering; 2) They report understanding the leisure and basic care activities as positive points of the institution; 3) as negative aspects they highlight the aggressiveness among the children, and the absence of family members. The current study presents the possibility to establish dialog with the children, taking their opinions into consideration, for they are capable of understanding and giving insight about their own situation.
Institutionalization, Shelter, Perception, Child developmentReferências
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Copyright (c) 2021 Monalisa Pereira Furtado, Celina Maria Colino Magalhães, Agnes de Maria Júnior da Silva, Juliana Oliveira dos Santos
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