Enuresis: Incidence and Risk Factors. (Study Conducted in the Catalan Child Population)


  • Josep Maria Lluís Font Universidad de Barcelona


The object of this research paper is to examine the incidence of enuresis within the general male population of Catalonia and the relative proportion in which primary and secondary enureses occur. Data is offered regarding the evolution of the problem and the way it is spontaneously overcome. The paper also examines the correlation between the disorder and the following variables: social class, number of brothers and sisters and their relative age- ranking. It constitutes, therefore, un initial approach towards a differential diagnosis of enuresis.

The data has been compiled by means of un anamnestic questionnaire and corresponds to children of more than ten years of age.

The conclusion indicates that prirnary enuresis is not significantly dependent on the stated variables, whereas secondary enuresis appears to be closely related to them. The eldest child in the family is less prone to the disorder than his younger brothers and when he suffers from the problem, he overcomes it with greater ease.

Author Biography

Josep Maria Lluís Font, Universidad de Barcelona

Departamento de Psicología Evolutiva y Diferencial, Universidad de Barcelona




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