The Rorschach Test in the Measurement of Ability


  • Pedro Apodaca urquijo ICE, País Vasco
  • Mª Carmen Martínez González UAB


This work deals withi the establishment of parallelism among parameters obtained with the Rorschach and different ability tests. We used these tests wiht 46 men between 23 and 40 years old. A factor analysis was applied and we didn't find any common covariant structure. This result agrees with the conceptual divergentes about the intelligence that de theorists of Rorschach and the theories based on the ability psychometric battery support.

Author Biographies

Pedro Apodaca urquijo, ICE, País Vasco

ICE, País Vasco

Mª Carmen Martínez González, UAB

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona




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