Comparison of Two Techniques for Eliminating Behavior: Extinction and Satiation


  • Jaume Cruz UAB


In this paper we analyse the effects of extinction and satiation following a Fixed-Ratio schedule (FR 25) in male Wistar rats. The purpose of this experiment is to observe up to which point one can generalize the results about the extinction given by HOLTAZ and  AZRIN (1963) and those of SIDMAN and STEBBIN (1954) about satiation.

Our results agree with those of previous experiments in the sense that extinction and satiation have an almost inmediate effect, though neither of both procedures produces a complete suppression of behaviour or has irreversible effects. One should, nevertheless, underline a few points as far as the papers by HOLTAZ and AZRIN (1963) and SIDMAN and STEBBIN (1954) are concerned: a ) the extinction following a FR is a much more effective procedure in order to reduce responses than

satiation is; b) extinction is more effective in eliminating responses following a FR than following differential reinforcement of low rates (DRL); c) in a FR, satiation produces a moderate reduction of responses, due almost exclusively to the lengthening of some of the postreinforcement pauses; and d) the satiation produced when food is given ad lib before the experimental 'session has a lower effect in the responses reduction than satiation obtained with ad lib water. The differences between the results of this paper and those by HOLTAZ and AZRIN (1963) and SIDMAN and STEBBIN (1954) are discussed according to the different reinforcement schedule and the different kind of reinforcer


Author Biography

Jaume Cruz, UAB

Departament de Psicologia Experimental i Psicofisologia. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona




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