Projective Psychology and aggressiveness


  • Jordi Bachs i Comas UAB


This work, taking into account the contributions of Freud and Szondi, examines the theme of human agressivity as a basically ethical problem. Moral conscience, in fact, emerges from dialectic tension of pulsional conflicts, in two different, though parallel and complementary processes: the triangular relations I-father- brother (Cain complex) and I-father-mother (Oedipus


I n the second part, the point of view of projective psychology, especiallv Dr. Louis Corman's work, is proposed as an indispensable rnethod for the psychodynamic study of human agressivity.


Author Biography

Jordi Bachs i Comas, UAB

Professor de "Psicodiagnòstic i Tècniques Projectives" del Departament de Psicologia
Clínica de la Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona.




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