Some Thoughts on Research in Psychology


  • Joan Riera Riera UAB


Although apparently unanimity exists in the definition of Psychology, in fact, various concepts co-exist which have their basis in very dfferent postulates, this produces a wide diversion in the methodology and the subjects investigated.

This dispersion justifies the usefulness of revising the definition of psychology, as well as availing of an integrated theoretical mark, which helps to orientate psychological research.

The main differential characteristics of the theoretical conception proposed by E. Ribes, based on the work of Kantor, showing some of the changes that should be introduced


in investigation, are summarized.

Author Biography

Joan Riera Riera, UAB

Professor de  "Principis




i Metodes de Psicologia" del Departament de Psicologia General de la Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona.




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