Rating judgments about the Catalan character


  • Joan Subirats i Soler UAB


The conference has two well differentiated parts. The first one is a reference to the collective characterology and how it is related to the notions of "State" and "Nation". It is also explained how the misrepresentation of this characterology specific in each nation is produced as a consequence of the artificial frontiers established by the different states. In spite of these deformations it is also stated how the colective characterology of each people is such that it's impossible to ignore its existence. This affirmation is based on three concrete demonstrations:
1) The first judgment of a person is always in function nof his place of origen.
2) The present crisis of political ideologies demonstrates that there is
no possible ideology without a previous knowledge of the psychology of the
3) All definitions that have been made throughout history concerning
what a "nation" is, have had to refer necessarily to that particular way of
thinking and acting that distinguishes one people from another. After all,
they have had to speak about their collective character.

The second part of the conference, based on a series of interviews published by Avui, is an analysis of the catalan character and the characteristics that really form it, forgetting the topics that often falsqy and mask it. Exactly the seven traits attributed by the majority of those interviewed to our way of being are analyzed as a reply to one of the questions in the interuiews: Which characteristics do you think better define the Catalan way of being?

The basic idea that derives from this project is that it demostrates as absolute proof the existente of the catalan characterology. However it requires a systematic and deep investigation in order to reach an exact and objective knowledge of our way of being, that connects with our past, with our history, but at the aume time allows us to project ourselves more efficiently, as a nation, towards the future.




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