Consistency and Rigidity of Minorities: A Reinterpretation


  • Mª Dolors Riba UAB
  • Gabriel Mugny Université de Genève


Starting from the theoretical contribution of the last few years on the subject of ininority influence, an experiment carried out by MUGNY in 1975 has been reanalysed. This dealt with the influence of concordant or discordant discourses with the attitudes of the subjects, according to which the source showed a consistent or inconsistent behavioral style.

In this new analysis, the variable concordance/discordance has been expressed in terms of majority/minority source. The influence that the said sources exert on the four experimental conditions has been analysed at two levels, direct and indirect, as well as the effect of the experimental variables on the image of the source generated by the subjects, not only that wich concerns the dimensions of consistency/inconsistency, but also those of flexibility/rigidity.

The results confirm the majority/minority effects; the majority obtains a direct influence but not indirect, contrary to what happens with the minority source that only obtains an indirect influence. On the other hand, minority consistency is outlined as a mediating element of the influence situation, since it acts directly on the apprehension of the image of the source and is perceived in terms of rigidity. Severa1 facts converge in order to interpret the influence of minorities based on a conflict of psychosocial identity.




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