Ramón Turró. The Choice of the Scientific Method in the Study of Human Behavior. (Part One).


  • Josep Roca i Balasch Col·legi Universitari de Girona


In the first part of this article we have tried to expose Turro's principal themes of interest concerning the conception of human phenomena as well as his definition of science and how it can be applied to the study of these phenomena.

In the second part we will give more concrete aspects of the explanation of behavior, grouped in two fields of interest: psychophysiology and learning. The latter theme is meant to show Turro's opinion on Wundt, the Russian reflexiologist and his personal relation with A. Bain and H. Spencer

Author Biography

Josep Roca i Balasch, Col·legi Universitari de Girona

professor de Principis i Mètodes en Psicologia i de Psicologia Experimental al Col·legi universitari de Girona




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