Tribute to Ana Garay and Isabel Crespo. Community Action


  • Cristina Pallí Monguilod Psicoterapeuta


The text pays tribute to Isabel Crespo and Ana Garay, professors at the Faculty of Psychology of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, within the framework of the international conference “Dialogues on Community Action: Weaving Networks for Social Justice in an Inclusive Society”, held in Barcelona on 5th and 6th June 2024. This recognition highlights the careers of both professors and researchers in the field of community intervention.

Isabel Crespo specialised in the study of child and family welfare, particularly in contexts of social exclusion. Ana Garay, on the other hand, focused her work on care and its relationship with everyday life. Both shared a feminist perspective and a deep commitment to community action, emphasising the importance of cultural context and power dynamics.

Despite their different styles, both managed to inspire trust and empathy among their students. This tribute celebrates their legacy and the impact they had on those who had the privilege of knowing them, fostering a community of affection that remains alive.


Community intervention, Social justice, Feminism, Teaching of psychology, Care

Author Biography

Cristina Pallí Monguilod, Psicoterapeuta

Doctorada en psicología social en la UAB y psicoterapeuta, ha investigado en intervención comunitaria, etnología y estudios de la ciencia y la tecnología, con un interés en los encuentros liminales. Especializada en el abordaje del trauma en su consulta, ha traducido diversos cursos y libros de terapia.




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