Thinking from the compromise. Theoretical and analytical contributions from Margot Pujal to a feminist social psychology



The purpose of this text is to present the academic work of Margot Pujal i Llombart, on the occasion of the award granted by the Observatorio de Igualdad of the UAB. From the academic and personal relationship, I highlight the most relevant characteristics of his work in Gender and Feminist Studies in the context of a Critical Social Psychology. This work is rooted in feminist epistemologies and committed to an emancipatory science that problematizes power relations and logics. Her theoretical and analytical production has been rigorously oriented to the analysis of the impact of the devices of power in the subjective and intersubjective, to analyze the tension between subjection and agency as well as the emotional and corporal dimension of inequality. In this line, her work provides essential keys for the understanding of the experiences of discomfort linked to the determinants of gender in an intersectional way.


Feminism, Knowledge, Critical Social Psychology, Subjectivity, Gender


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Author Biography

Patricia Amigot Leache, Universidad Pública de Navarra

Doctora en Psicología Social por la UAB. Sus líneas de investigación se centran en la producción teórica feminista sobre relaciones de poder de género, procesos subjetivos y ejercicio de violencia; asimismo, en el ámbito de la teoría foucaultiana y los estudios sobre gubernamentalidad y tecnologías neoliberales de subjetivación.




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