Contrasting Cases in Two Psychotherapeutic Processes Based on Integrative Behavior Couple Therapy
The present study proposes an evaluation of the therapeutic process in relation to the following aspects: the therapist adherence, the items which are more and less characteristic in the treatment and the interaction structures, along the therapeutic process of two cases of couple therapy, one with significant positive clinical change and one with significant negative clinical change, in the couple's evaluation. This work used Integrative Behavioral Couple Therapy model, one of the approaches of the third wave therapies. The method was a study of contrasting cases. The similarities and differences between the cases were discussed, reaching the conclusion that there are aspects of the couple, the therapist, the therapeutic relationship and the context that may have contributed to the different outcomes.
Couples Therapy, Psychotherapeutic Processes, Marriage, Case ReportsReferences
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Copyright (c) 2024 Mara Regina Soares Wanderley Lins, Eduarda Lima de Oliveira, Letícia Ferraz Neis, Denise Falcke
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