Thresholds of “not-being”: fanonian figurations about sociogeny and the “double narcissism” of the epidermized body



We discuss the critical complexities of what the Martinican psychiatrist Frantz Fanon defined as the zone of non-being in his study Black Skin, White Masks from 1952. In a first moment, we stop at the main exegetical nuclei of the zone of non-being that are linked to the limit experience of the black body alluded to by Fanon. We verify in a second moment how what the author defines under the name of sociogeny is connected with an existential historical analysis of the racialized body. The analysis of the “double narcissism” and the epidermalization processes made explicit by Fanon allow us to conclude, in a third moment, that the zone of non-being enhances the decolonial interrogation of an epidermized body about racism and binary distributions of identity.


Zone of non-being, Epidermization, Narcissism, racism


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Author Biography

Carlos Aguirre Aguirre, Universidad Nacional de San Juan

Doctor en Filosofía (UNC). Magíster en Estudios Latinoamericanos (UNCuyo). Licenciado en Comunicación Social (UPLA). Becario doctoral del Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET), Instituto de Filosofía (UNSJ, Argentina). Miembro del Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios en Teoría Poscolonial (CIETP) y del Instituto de Filosofía Argentina y Americana (IFAA).




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