The relations between the State and the poor and black population in Brazil: tropical necropolitics
This article discusses some guidelines and practices of tropical necropolitics and racism that operates in relations between the State and the poor and black population in Brazil. Notably, this work is interested in the deadly policy carried out by the police, who do not hesitate to kill people who inhabit the peripheral territories. It is known that this relationship is not new. On the contrary, it comes from the institutional slavery and remains even after 133 years of abolition. We intend here, supported mainly by the works of Michel Foucault and Achille Mbembe, to forge clues to a kind of black asceticism as a confrontation with the necropolitical and racist dimension of contemporary capitalism. The construction of the article takes place in the seam between concepts, daily news and artistic productions that investigate and show the maintenance of state racism, but also in the resistance practices forged in the present.
Racism, State, Necropolitics, AsceseReferences
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Copyright (c) 2022 Waldenilson Teixeira Ramos, Débora Inêz Brandão, Mauro Andrade Silva, Danichi Hausen Mizoguchi
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.