The masculinity in the process from child to adult as permanent liminal experience



Liminal experiences take place during significant transition, passage and disruption situations in which what was previously taken for granted enters into a stage of suspension. In this work, we have reanalysed and rearticulated the experience of nineteen men during their adolescence stage (Uribe, 2018). We focused on socio-psycho-organic-physical expressions and markers that allude to adolescence and masculinity phenomenon as liminal experiences. From the analysis, we concluded that masculinity is developed as a liminal experience, which initiates, influences and disseminates its patriarchal mandates in adolescence stage, and subverts the transition process from childhood to adulthood. Further, masculinity makes possible the emergence of a permanent liminal process, which not only transcends the passage from being a child to be an adult, but also from being a boy to be a man. This opens an eternal experience in which you are simultaneously a man and a no-man, having to constantly test your virility.


Liminality, Gender, Adolescence, Virility


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Author Biographies

Alejandro Sánchez-Sicilia, Homes Igualitaris (Ahige-Catalunya)

Doctor en Psicología Social por la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Activista en el movimiento de hombres por la igualdad de género (Associació Homes Igualitaris). Actualmente, compagina su carrera investigadora con su trabajo —mayoritariamente en el ámbito penitenciario— como formador y terapeuta en masculinidades, género, sexualidades y violencias.

Pedro Uribe Roncallo, Fundación Ilusión Viril, Universitat de Barcelona

Presidente y director ejecutivo de Ilusión Viril. Psicólogo de la Universidad Alberto Hurtado. Máster en educación de valores y ciudadanía de la Universidad de Barcelona. Terapeuta y especialista en género y sexualidad, técnico en prevención de violencias de género e investigador y facilitador de talleres sobre masculinidades, género y sexualidad.




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