The work of labor law: legal guidelines, collaboration and affections



Chilean labor law is an institution built with the initial objective of mediating and balancing the relationship between workers and employers. Is this objective achieved? This problem is analyzed from the work experience of the judges in relation to the task they have arranged. This is an ethnographic study is framed from the Actor-Network Theory. The field work is carried out in the first and second labor courts of Santiago de Chile. As the main result, it is observed that there is a tendency to conciliation, which refers to the fact that there is a complex network of actants that promote the production of conciliations. This network is supported in laws, actors and affects. This is a problem, since there is a whole series of lawsuits that may end up favoring the employed party, end up forcing conciliations that prevent the realization of the initial spirit of labor law.


Cultural Anthropology, Judges, Right to work, Judicial Ethnography


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Author Biography

Iván Esteban Grudechut Pezoa, Universidad Alberto Hurtado

Psicólogo, Magister en Psicología Social Comunitario y Doctor en Sociología. Me interesan temas como la Educación de Adultos, la intervención social, la teoría social y la sociología judicial.




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