Resistance and reproductions of academic women: Survival strategies in the patriarchal/neoliberal academy


  • Giazú Enciso Domínguez University of Houston - Clear Lake
  • Maite Gonzalez-Yañez Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez
  • Francesca Chiappini Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez


In the framework of a broader study, in this article we carry out a qualitative study through active interviews with academic women who inhabit contemporary academia. We recognize academy is transforming in a space where hyper-productivity, individualism, and constant evaluation among other indicators have taken the reins towards a neoliberal academy. Later on, we recognize the academy as a patriarchal space. We aim to detect, make visible and critically describe the strategies used by academic women to inhabit that space. At the same time, we analyze the strategies’ points of resistance to neoliberal and patriarchal systems, but also how these strategies can reproduce the very systems they want to rebel against. We create five codes that describe and critically analyze each of these strategies, namely: Masculinization, Perfectionism, Juggling, Boundaries, and Sorority. Finally, we reflect on these strategies and question the patriarchal and neoliberal logics within contemporary academia


Higher Education, Neoliberalism, Patriarchy, Gender


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Author Biographies

Giazú Enciso Domínguez, University of Houston - Clear Lake

Assistant Professor en la University of Houston Clear Lake. Dr. Enciso tiene un Ph.D. en Critical Social Psychology de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Sus intereses de investigación son el afecto y la emoción desde una perspectiva epistemológica/metodológica feminista. Fundadora/mentora del grupo de investigación Critical Interdisciplinary Studies conformado por estudiantes internacionales.

Maite Gonzalez-Yañez, Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez


Profesor, ayudante y tutor en la Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez. Psicólogo y magister en psicología social de la Universidad Adolfo Ibañez. Sus intereses de investigación tienen relación con las políticas públicas, género y disidencias.

Francesca Chiappini, Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez

Psicóloga Clínica en Centro Interdisciplinario de las Mujeres. Psicóloga y magister en psicología social de la Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez. Sus intereses de investigación tienen relación a salud mental con perspectiva de género, sexualidad y mujeres en espacios masculinizados.




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