The Multiple Sides of Sports Participation: Recommendations from Jean Côté and Collaborators



Understanding the development process of sports participation in different scenarios and stages of engagement is a task that has been receiving important contributions from scholars in distinct ar-eas. Main aims: a) to present some contributions from Jean Côté and collaborators encompassing the process of sports participation; b) to present contributions that culminate on the proposition of two models: the four waves of research of the Developmental Model of Sports Participation (DMSP); and the Personal Assets Framework (PAF). The DMSP shows as a gap an absence of in-depth analysis on social conditions surrounding the young athlete. The fourth wave of research aims for possible results of the sports development, complemented by PAF, an ecological ap-proach developed to contribute with the progress in the gap left by DMSP. Due to the relationship of complementarity between them, we believe it’s possible to propose PAF as an eventual fifth wave of DMSP research.


Sports, Psychosocial Aspects, Sports Pedagogy, Jean Côté


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