Sexism as construct in psychology. A review of theories and instruments



The article reviews the most relevant contributions on the construct of sexism. In particu-lar, the theories of Masculinity and Femininity and the different contemporary models that have received more attention in the Spanish psychological literature are analyzed. In addition, the instruments generated as a result of their corresponding theories are dis-cussed and a critical analysis of the most used instruments is carried out. Finally, a re-flection is made on the current courses of the construct of sexism.


Sexism, Masculinity, Femininity, Scales


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Author Biographies

Miguel Ángel López-Sáez, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

Profesor Visitante.Área de Psicología Social, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos.

Dau García-Dauder, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

Profesor Titular.Área de Psicología Social, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos.

Ignacio Montero, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Profesor Titular.Departamento de Psicología Social y Metodología, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid




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