Perceptions about the professional development of Brazilian workers at different stages of their career
The objective of this study was to understand and discuss the individual and contextual elements that drive the different career stages of workers with a high degree of profes-sional development. The method was both quantitative (310 participants) and qualitative (9 interviews), both of which were segmented in the beginning, middle and end of the ca-reer phases. The results showed significant differences in the mean scores of perceptions of professional development, according to the career phase. In the interviews we identi-fied that in the three phases there are two central axes: "person" and "compa-ny/organization", but there are expressive differences in the workers' discourses in the in-itial, intermediate and final phases of the career with respect to individual, contextual and of professional trajectories. The results are discussed based on literature and point out implications in terms of subsidies for policies and practices of people management and for career counseling.Keywords
Career Choices, Learning Curve, Professional development, Career stagesReferences
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