Benefits of a Mindfulness program in university students. A pilot study
Objectives: To determine the effects of a brief Mindfulness program aimed at students of the first year of psychology in reducing anxiety, increasing happiness and full awareness. Method: Randomized controlled trial with pre and post intervention measurements of 19 students (10 in the intervention and 9 in the control group). The State-Trate Anxiety In-ventory, the Pemberton Happiness Index and the Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire were applied to both groups, and semi-structured interviews in the experimental group. The intervention consisted of three group sessions of 120 minutes each. Results: The results indicate significant magnitudes of change in anxiety (d=0.8), happi-ness (d=0.7) and very importants in Mindfulness (d=1.32). The qualitative information ex-tracted from interviews in the experimental group corroborates these changes. Conclusion: The application of a brief Mindfulness program brings benefits by reducing anxiety, increasing the level of happiness and mindfulness capacity.Keywords
Mindfulness, Education, Mindfulness program, PsychologyReferences
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Copyright (c) 2019 Adrià; Irina Trujillo Portillo; Heredia Maye

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