Conceptualization in work and organizational psychology: need for congruence with phenomena and facts



In this paper I present, as a starting point, a reflection about the levels of analysis in the construction of knowledge in the field of Work and Organizational Psychology (WOP), from the proposal of the three worlds of Karl Popper. Subsequently, I discuss the need for congruence between conceptualizations, psychological phenomena and social facts, given the changing of the world of work which entails that, in many cases, the concepts that define facts and phenomena associated with work remain outdated, and not define precisely those aspects that relate; for this reason, researchers and theorists should conduct periodic updates of their conceptual repertoires to suit the new conditions of the contexts in which they are used.


Conceptualization, Work and Organizational Psychology, Social Facts, Psychological Phenomenalogy, Psychological Phenomena

Author Biography

Juan Javier Vesga Rodríguez, Universidad Católica de Colombia

Magíster y Doctor en Psicología de la Universidad del Valle-Colombia en la línea de Psicología Orgnanizacional y del Trabajo. Especialista en Gerencia del Talento Humano de la Universidad Libre de Cali-Colombia. Docente T.C. del doctorado en Psicología de la Universidad Católica de Colombia (Bogotá, D.C.). Investigador en temas de contrato psicológico, identidad laboral e identificación organizacional.




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