Relationship between impulsivity and alcohol consumption in Argentinean men and women
This work analyzed, separately in women and men, the relationship between impulsivity and alcohol consumption. We classified participants in three classes of alcohol consumption. We subsequently assessed differences in trait impulsivity between these classes. Four-hundred and thirty five participants completed an online survey. The different indicators of alcohol consumption exhibited a differential association with the impulsivity dimensions of the UPPS-P model. This pattern was similar in men and women. A multiple regression approach revealed a significant contribution of negative (β between .24 and .34) and positive urgency (β between .15 and .28) upon alcohol consumption and alcohol-related consequences. The three classes of alcohol consumption exhibited differences in impulsivity, in women but not in men. Women exhibiting risky consumption had significantly greater impulsivity than low-consumer women did in the five dimensions of UPPS-P.Keywords
Impulsivity, Alcohol Drinking, Youth, ProfilesPublished
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Copyright (c) 2016 Angelina Pilatti, Gabriela Rivarola Montejano, Oscar Martin Lozano, Ricardo Marcos Pautassi

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