Location genealogic of Expert Psychology in judicial system: ethical implications



This work is an essay from the writings of our Master's thesis in Psychology and Society of UNESP / Assis, who intends to problematize the interfaces present in the relationship between psychology and law when inserting the professional psi in judicialized environments acting as agent court in accordance with the provisions of Criminal procedure Code. The methodology chosen for us is the Foucault's genealogy, finding the writings and reflections of Michel Foucault, directions to the problematizations for us proposals on the ethical implications of the subject expert psychologist. The relations of power-knowledge that cross professional doings, the power of the watchful eye that regulates the docile behavior, examination as expected activity of professional psi as evidence in support of the decision-making process of the judge, all mechanisms of orthopedics displayed in interventions still played by psychologists that emerge in these legal areas.


Legal Psychology, Expert, Ethical Implications

Author Biographies

Bárbara Cossettin Costa Beber Brunini, UNESP - Assis, São Paulo. Brasil

Programa Saúde da Família. Mestre em Psicologia e Sociedade pela UNESP. Professora titular da Universidade Paranaense. Psicóloga da Prefeitura Municipal de Icaraíma. Professora da Escola de Magistratura do Paraná. Professora de Pós-Graduação. Colunista do Jornal Caderno Jurídico

Silvio José Benelli, UNESP - Assis, São Paulo

Professor do Departamento de Psicologia Clínica e no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Psicologia da FCL/Unesp, SP. Doutor em Psicologia Social, pós-doutorado pela FCL/Unesp, SP. Membro do Grupo de Pesquisa Conhecimento, Subjetividade e Práticas Sociais da Associação Nacional de Pesquisa e Pós-Graduação em Psicologia (ANPEPP).




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