Critical and Emancipating Social Psychology: fertility of José Ramón Torregrosa’s work


  • Anastasio Ovejero Universidad de Valladolid


This paper wants to show the usefulness and fertility of the work of José Ramón Torregrosa, probably the most prominent social psychologist in Spain, for the construction of a Critical and Emancipating Social Psychology. In the Torregrosa’s work stand out overall the reflexions and writings about theory, epistemology, and methodology in social psychology, but also the application of these reflexions to fields as meaning of work, unemployment’s effects, or identity.


José Ramón Torregrosa, Epistemology, Critical Social Psychology, Post-positivist Psychology

Author Biography

Anastasio Ovejero, Universidad de Valladolid

Catedrático de Psicología Social y Doctor en Psicología. Departamento de Psicología. Universidad de Valladolid




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