Criticizing "hybrid forums" in technoscientific production from feminist-intersectional perspectives


  • Kostas Th. Gardounis Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona


Feminist epistemologies are one of the theoretical currents that defend scientific production based on clear social and political commitments. STS (Science and Technology Studies) are not characterized by these commitments but they have offered us an interesting proposal to "democratize science": the hybrid forums. This paper explains why the STS project remains incomplete and even problematic if it does not integrate feminist criticisms. It is argued that the theories of the intersectionality allow radicalizing the proposal of the “democratization of science" and creating collective and democratic spaces in which the public exam of technoscientific issues will integrate political and social commitments. It is considered that the communication between experts and non-experts in the hybrid forums must be completed by critics to the axes of oppression and privilege.


Hybrid Forums, Feminist Epistemologies, Participation, Intersectionality

Author Biography

Kostas Th. Gardounis, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona

Doctorando en el departamento de Psicología Social de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona




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