Gail Jefferson’s transcription code: adaptation for its use in social sciences research



On this paper I propose an adaptation of Gail Jefferson’s transcription code in order to promote its use in social sciences non-discursive research. I argue that, contrary to what is commonly believed, transcription is not a simple and irrelevant task: it involves complex decisions and, as part of a given research process, it helps construct the results. Hence, transcribing is a political task worthy of as much attention as any other. With this goal in mind, I propose i) reduce the quantity of symbols, ii) simplify its access on keyboards in Spanish, iii) exclude symbols, such as periods and commas, that can make comprehension harder for the not initiated and, finally, iv) exclude symbols a priori useless within non discursive research


Gail Jefferson, Transcription, Interview, Discussion Group

Author Biography

Javier Ernesto Bassi Follari, Universidad de Chile (Chile). Universidad Nacional Andrés Bello (Chile).

Licenciado en psicología por la Universidad Nacional de San Luis (Argentina, 2000) y doctor en psicología social por la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (2008). Trabajo en la Universidad de Chile y en la Universidad Nacional Andrés Bello (ambas en Chile) en áreas vinculadas al diseño de proyectos y guía de tesis de pre- y posgrado, la sociología y epistemología de las ciencias sociales y la metodología cualitativa.




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