Psychopathologic deconstruction in health care: research and intervention challenges


  • Carme Valls-Llobet Universitat de Barcelona, CAPS


The women's body has suffered multiple attacks both to normalize according to the others gaze wishes until conversion of the body in battlefield that concentrated various attacks as in healthcare field, where are concentrated several attacks in part on the allocation of any type of discomfort to the anxiety and depression. Biopolitics of women's body has used the psychotropic drugs as a gender gap in mental health and used them as form of a bash. (inferiorizaton).There exists a lot if biological causes of anxiety and depression that are not take in account in the health care attention, so that us quite possible that there is a gender bias, that makes invisible the real medical report. We need sciences of health based on differences to avoid the medication in excess in women that add to the deconstruction of psychopathology in the scope of health care assistance.


Mental Health, Gender differences between women and men, Anxiety, Depression, Excess pharmacotherapy

Author Biography

Carme Valls-Llobet, Universitat de Barcelona, CAPS

Licenciada en Medicina por la Universidad de Barcelona.  Ejerce actividad asistencial en Medicina Interna y Endocrinologia.

Profesora de la asignatura: Epidemiologia de las diferencias entre mujeres y hombres. UB de 1997 hasta 2007.

Actividad formativa en Salud y Genero, en las escuelas de Salud Pública de Madrid, Valencia, Barcelona, Asturias, y en el Colegio de Médicos de Zaragoza. Cursos anuales de Morbilidad diferencial desde CAPS a profesionales sanitarios. Desde 1999 hasta 2010. Participa en el Master Interuniversitari d'Estudis de Dones i Gènere, UB, y en el Master de Agentes de Igualdad de Oportunidades en el Mundo rural de la U. LLeida. .

Autora de los libros: Mujeres y hombres: salud y diferencias 1994. FOLIO.; Mujeres invisibles. 2006. Editorial de Bolsillo; Mujeres, Salud y Poder.2009. Catedra. Feminismos.




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