Sociogenesis of new technologies disorders and self-quantification devices


  • Ángel Gordo López Universidad Complutense de Madrid
  • Javier de Rivera Universidad Complutense
  • Yago López Losada Universidad Complutense


In this article we provide a historical understanding of the relationship between psychology and current new technologies. The proposed sociohistorical approach –sociogenesis- notices how the discipline of psychology, from its scientific origins, has been actively involved in the production and management of the profound social and ergonomic nature of the psyche. This overview also prompts us to relate the attempts to erase the distance between the body and production technologies and technological conditions that arise under the digital society, and their current fuelled interest in metrics and management. At the end of the article we suggest that some of the movements that led radical positivist enterprise of science throughout the last century can be understood as the preambles or conditions which paved the way to current Big Data paradigm and ongoing proliferation of self-quantification devices. Together with the definition of new technological disorders, these devices, which aim the improvement of well being and fitness, render open the psychological discourse, and its psychologisation tendencies, to development of post-industrial capitalism.


Internet addictions, Industrial ergonomics, Psychologisation processes, Big Data paradigm

Author Biographies

Ángel Gordo López, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Profesor Titular de Sociología en la UCM, miembro del grupo de investigación “Cultura digital y movimientos sociales: Cibersomosaguas” y co-director de la revista Teknokultura. Entre sus temas de investigación se incluyen la investigación cualitativa, tecnologías y cambio social, cultura material y movilidad social.

Javier de Rivera, Universidad Complutense

Licenciado en Sociología. Doctorando del departamento de Sociología IV de la UCM. Miembro de Cibersomosaguas y del equipo editorial de Teknokultura. Realiza una tesis doctoral sobre nuevos procesos de socialización tecnológica en la Sociedad Digital.


Yago López Losada, Universidad Complutense

Licenciado en Sociología con premio extraordinario de fin de carrera por la Universidad de La Laguna, realiza el Máster en Comunicación, Cultura y Ciudadanía Digitales impartido por la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos en colaboración con Medialab-Prado




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