Re-gendering byo-psycho-social health


  • Carme Valls-Llobet CAPS


Health - related Quality of Life measures have permitted to discriminate how work and life conditions are affecting health and which quality life expectancy has some diseases and conditions. Life is the unique welfare that is belonging whit as from our birth as human beings, but is  time-limited. In this work I consider with Judith Butler help, what do we understand as life and how we can understand health as vitality and no as victimization. The etiological reductionism, related to women health, has been a gender bias that must be re-thinking, as byo-psycho-social health re-gendered. Power relations as domination, have hidden a integral health approaching, but I propose that citizens rights recuperation can be a way to exercise  personal power of change.


Women’s health, Gender, Quality of life, Citizens rights

Author Biography

Carme Valls-Llobet, CAPS

Licenciada en Medicina por la Universidad de Barcelona.  Ejerce actividad asistencial en Medicina Interna y Endocrinologia.

Profesora de la asignatura: Epidemiologia de las diferencias entre mujeres y hombres. UB de 1997 hasta 2007.

Actividad formativa en Salud y Genero, en las escuelas de Salud Pública de Madrid, Valencia, Barcelona, Asturias, y en el Colegio de Médicos de Zaragoza. Cursos anuales de Morbilidad diferencial desde CAPS a profesionales sanitarios. Desde 1999 hasta 2010. Participa en el Master Interuniversitari d'Estudis de Dones i Gènere, UB, y en el Master de Agentes de Igualdad de Oportunidades en el Mundo rural de la U. LLeida. .

Autora de los libros: Mujeres y hombres: salud y diferencias 1994. FOLIO.; Mujeres invisibles. 2006. Editorial de Bolsillo; Mujeres, Salud y Poder.2009. Catedra. Feminismos. 




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