Equality, epistemology and gender: from an ethical-political horizon


  • Luisa Posada Kubissa Universidad Complutense


In this essay I  make an approach to the analysis which is nowadays being made in the very interesting field where epistemology and feminism intersect. The contributions to knowledge from the feminist thought start questioning the so-called unity and universality of the subject of knowledge. Among the different positions here depicted we can emphasize the “feminist empiricism”, the “theory of the feminist point of view”, and the most up-dated postmodern developments. I have wanted to highlight how all those proposals share similar perspectives, which we could summarize in two aspects: on one hand, all of them contribute to finish with the myth of an absolute and universal knowledge where neither the values nor the position of the subject or the group which creates this knowledge take part; and, on the other hand, in all of them the feminist perspective is proposed to be included in the analysis about knowledge, directing its efforts to the securing of equality also in this field.


Knowledge, science, epistemology, gender.

Author Biography

Luisa Posada Kubissa, Universidad Complutense

Luisa Posada Kubissa is Doctor of Philosophy and Professor of Philosophy at the U.C.M. She is the author of the books Sexo y esencia: de esencialismos encubiertos y esencialismos heredados; Celia Amorós. Biblioteca de mujeres; Razón y conocimiento en Kant; Sexo, igualdad y vindicación: apuntes de Teoría Feminista (at the press). She is also copublisher of  Feminismo y multiculturalismo and Pensar con Celia Amorós. She has been director  in the U.C.M. of Master en Feminismo y género, from 2005 to 2008 . She was also an expert in the Observatorio estatal de Violencia sobre la Mujer from 2004 to 2009.




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