The Two Sides of the Inequality between Men and Women: Economic and Libidinal Exploitation


  • María Jesús Izquierdo Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona


The intention of this work is to study the articulation between the psychic dimension and the socio-economic one of gender, in order to reach elements that could help to define the woman as subject of sexism and to identify in what measure the man occupies the position of its object. The structural aspects are of particular interest, and the argument is that the sexism causes hurts both to the women and to the men, and therefore it is not a sectorial problem of women, but it has general character. As consequence, the mobilization of the men on the attainment of the equality must not be based on moral, but political principles. The moral consequences when one appeals to the search of happiness, to planning an own plan of life, come off the politics.


Gender, Gender Relations, Exploitation, Sexism, Social structure, Libidinal structure

Author Biography

María Jesús Izquierdo, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Ph.D. in Economics. Professor of Sociology at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and professor credited. His area of research is social inequality and sociology of emotions and feelings. Among his most representative works are: Sin vuelta de hoja. Sexismo: poder, placer y trabajo (Ed. Bellaterra, 2001), El malestar en la desigualdad, (Madrid Ed. Cátedra,1998).




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