Gender Technological Performativity: Exploring the Digital Divide in Video Gaming


  • Adriana Gil-Juárez Universitat Rovira i Virgili
  • Joel Feliu Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
  • Anna Vitores González Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona


In this article we revise the field of gender and video games. Video games for their ludic component, which makes their consumption facultative and informal, allow us to understand some of the mechanisms that maintain girls away from the technological realm without using institutional reasons which do not correctly explain the "voluntary" exclusions, that is to say those produced because the person "does not want" or "does not show interest" in participating in a basic sector for society construction. We show how creation and consumption of technology, especially of videogames, in the Occidentalized world, recreates different life spaces for people in function of the invention, distributions and performance of sexual differences.


Digital Divide, Gender, Technology, Video Games

Author Biographies

Adriana Gil-Juárez, Universitat Rovira i Virgili

Adriana Gil-Juárez has a PhD. in Psychology from the UAB and she leads JovenTIC, a research group on young people's use of new technology. She teaches social psychology related courses at URV, UAB and UOC. She has recently co-edited with Montse Vall-llovera the book: Género, TIC y Videojuegos (Gender, ICT and Videogames), Barcelona: UOC, 2009.

Joel Feliu, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Full Professor at the Social Psychology Department of the UAB and member of the JovenTIC group of research. He has recently contributed to the books Género, TIC y Videojuegos (Gender, ICT and Videogames) (UOC, 2009) and Jóvenes en cibercafés: la dimensión física del futuro virtual (Young People in Cybercafés: the physical dimension of the virtual future) (UOC, 2006).

Anna Vitores González, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

PhD. in Social Psychology from the UAB and member of the research groups JovenTIC and GESCIT, both at the UAB. Her research interests are related to the social studies of science and technology, social reproduction processes correlated to technoscientific innovations and qualitative methods of research in the social sciences.




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