The Relations between Psychology and Feminism in "Times of Equality”


  • Silvia García-Dauder Universidad Rey Juan Carlos


In this article I analyse the articulations between Psychology, as discipline and scientific knowledge, and Feminism, as critical theory and social movement. My aim is to evaluate to what extent we can speak about "times of equality" in Psychology, bearing in mind its historical past and the current situation. In doing so, we analyse the situation of women in psychology -as subjects and objects of knowledge-, the question of psychology in feminism (how discourses from psychology, as a scientific knowledge, have contributed to the oppression or liberation of women and feminist political aims) and the question of feminism in psychology (how feminist discourses and practices have contributed to a more objective and socially fair scientific psychology). The journey we are going to follow is from psychology constructs "the female" and "the feminine", to feminism reconstructs psychology, and finally we will think about the possibilities of a Feminist Psychology.


Psychology, Feminism, Gender, Women

Author Biography

Silvia García-Dauder, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

Doctora en Psicología y profesora de Psicología Social en la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos de Madrid. Ha participado en diversos proyectos de investigación sobre Ciencia, Tecnología y Género. Ha publicado varios artículos sobre las relaciones entre la Psicología y el Feminismo y sobre las pioneras psicólogas y científicas sociales. Es autora de Psicología y Feminismo. Historia olvidada de mujeres pioneras en Psicología (2005, ed. Narcea) y co-editora de El eje del mal es heterosexual. Figuraciones, movimientos y prácticas feministas queer (2005, ed. Traficantes de sueños).




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