Law and non androcentric justice


  • Encarna Bodelón Universitat de Barcelona


This paper describes some of the relationship between care ethics and feminist legal theory. Feminist legal theories have been searching a basis for a non androcentric  concept of justice. One of these has been the feminist legal debate on the ethics of care and its applications to the world of women's rights. The analysis of various authors who dealt with justice and care shows the dangers of using a concept of care without an análisis  of power relations between the sexes. Moreover, non-androcentric justice requires, from a feminist perspective, including caring relationships in the field of rights.


Law, Justice, Care, Feminism

Author Biography

Encarna Bodelón, Universitat de Barcelona

Profesora Titular de Filosofía del Derecho. Facultad de Derecho. Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. Doctora en derecho, especializada en temas de género y derecho. Es directora del grupo de investigación: Antigona. Derecho y sociedad en perspectiva de género, de la UAB.

Co-directora del Master  Oficial en Estudios de Mujeres, Género y Ciudadanía.

Co-directora del postgrado Género e Igualdad de la UAB.

Miembra de la Asociación Dones Juristas.

Publicaciones principales: Rastreando lo invisible (2004). Mujeres y Castigo (2006); Construint els drets de les dones (2008)




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