A Critical Analysis of Biomedical Discourse about Sexes and Genders


  • María José Barral Morán Universidad de Zaragoza


The biomedical sciences described and visually presented a "universal model" of human being who presents the characters of men sex, white race and heterosexual behaviour.

The last 15 years I achieved a critical analysis of the discourses about sexual differentiation of the brain and differential behaviours of women and men and my hypothesis is that the gender bias progress with the discourse is generalized.

In the discourses about the sexual determination, the sexual differentiation and the sexual behaviour of the human beings, clearly we can observe the cultural construction of the science. The biological dichotomies manXY/womanXX and the stereotyped male/female sexual behaviours prevailed even though the scientific evidences don't support it.


Sex, Gender, Medical discourse, Critical analysis

Author Biography

María José Barral Morán, Universidad de Zaragoza

Doctor of Medicine and Surgery. Lecturer on Anatomy and Human Embryology, Faculty of Medicine of the University of Zaragoza. Member of the Interdisciplinary Seminar on Women's Studies (SIEM) at the same university. Her research is developed in the field of neuroscience, and in the interactions Gender / Health / Science.




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