My disagreements and my reconciliation with Vygotsky


  • Adolf Perinat Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona


This is a personal account on an investigation brought about along six years over the work of the Russian psychologist, Lev S. Vygotsky. The title echoes the distancing attitude that, unexpectedly for him, the author kept when he began deepening the Vygotsky's writings. This attitude took later a new course when the historical and circumstantial influences that gave shape to the psychological thinking of Vygotsky became transparent. Some of these influences belonged to domain of ideas: Hegel and Marx; others came from his contemporary psychology: Pavlov, Gestalt, Piaget, Janet, Stern; and other tragically coercive influence arouse from the imposition of a totalitarian sovieto-marxist ideology. All these of influences summed, made Vygotsky an historical more than today figure. As result, this study on Vygotsky, that follows a detailed analysis of his work, stands in a middle way between a scarcely unobjectionable appraisal of one part of his thinking and the recognition of some brilliant inspired  ideas that aptly recontextualized can be of enduring value.


Vygotsky’s psychology, Sources and influences, Critical appraisal

Author Biography

Adolf Perinat, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Professor of Developmental Psychology at the Department of Basic , Developmental and Educational Psychology (UAB) from 1989 to 2002. Currently Professor Emeritus. He began his academic career at the University of Paris V (Sorbonne) in 1969 and the Autonomous University of Barcelona in 1972. Postdoc at the University of California S. Diego in 1977, visiting professor at the University of Edinburgh in 1985 and Paris in 1999. His major works include:

Perinat, Adolfo. (1993). Comunicación animal, comunicación humana (1993, Madrid: Siglo XXI

Perinat, Adolfo. (1995). Prolegómenos para una teoría del juego y del símbolo. (Con debate y comentario final). Cognitiva, 7 (2), 59-1

Perinat, Adolfo. (1998). Psicología del Desarrollo. Un enfoque sistémico. Barcelona: UOC/Edhasa. 1998.           

Perinat, Adolfo y Sadurní, Marta (1999). The ontogenesis of meaning. An interactional approach.  Mind, Culture and Activity, 6, 53-76.       

Perinat, Adolfo (Co.). (2000). Adolescentes del siglo XXI. Barcelona: EDIUOC.

Perinat, Adolfo (2004). Conocimiento y Educación superior: Nuevos horizontes para la Universidad del siglo XXI. Barcelona. Paidós.                                        

Perinat, Adolfo. (2007).The development of communication. An evolutionary perpective. En J. Valsiner & A. Rosas  (Eds.) Handbook of Sociocultural Psychology. Cambridge University Press.




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